Storyboarding is a useful process for planning the look of a scene before it goes into production. But how does one storyboard a video? We’re going to show you how to storyboard a video with examples. We’re also going to give you some free storyboard templates to help you plan before the cameras roll! By the end, you’ll have everything you need to storyboard a video.

Video Storyboard Example

What is a storyboard?

Before we break down how to write a storyboard, let’s break down what a storyboard is. So, what is a storyboard? We describe a storyboard as “a visual representation of a film sequence that breaks down action into individual panels.” In other words, a series of ordered drawings, with camera movement, dialogue, and other pertinent details.

StudioBinder’s storyboard creator software is perfect for organizing and sharing storyboards. Check it out below.

Storyboard for Videos  •  Subscribe on YouTube

A storyboard is an effective tool for planning shots during pre-production. If you want to create a storyboard, consider drawing out pictures by hand or via a computer application like Illustrator or MS Paint, then importing them into StudioBinder.

With those notes out of the way, let’s explore how to storyboard a video!

How to Make a Storyboard for a Video, Explained

How to create a storyboard for a video 

The first thing you’re going to need is a video idea – so, here are some video ideas: make a stop-motion video about miniature dinosaurs getting wiped out by the Big Bang; follow a treasure map to find an unreleased Doritos flavor; get abducted by an alien who’s just looking for a friend. Hell, it can be anything!

Once you have your idea set in stone, you’re going to want to find some storyboard templates. But where does one find storyboard templates? Right here of course! 

This template is perfect for storyboarding: simply list the project name in the top left corner, the corresponding page number(s) in the top right corner, the shot number in the upper left margin, the shot size in the center margin, and the image in the main box.

How to Storyboard a Video Storyboard for Videos How to Create a Storyboard for a Video with a Blank Template

Storyboard for Videos  •  How to Create a Storyboard for a Video with a Blank Template

Have you ever wanted to make a storyboard but thought “I don’t know how to draw”? If your answer is yes… then allow me to say: me too! However, let’s run with that Doritos idea from earlier.

I used the Mac OS free photo editing software to build a storyboard with our template. Check it out below!

How to Storyboard a Video Creating a Video Storyboard How to Make a Storyboard for a Video

Creating a Video Storyboard  •  How to Make a Storyboard for a Video

Pretty bad right? Well, storyboards don’t have to be perfect! Hopefully, you can see that shot #1 shows a treasure map, shot #2 shows a person walking down a long road, shot #3 shows a person walking down a dangerous path, and shot #4 shows a person discovering a Doritos bag.

Clearly, they’re not great drawings. But hey, they were done by an amateur artist – and they do communicate the basic ideas for the video.

If you want to level-up your storyboard game, you can use StudioBinder's storyboard creator. That way, you can upload images instead of amateur drawings — plus, being digital the storyboard is now highly shareable.

We created a sample commercial storyboard from a FitBit ad so that you can get a better idea of how to plan and create your own storyboard

How to Storyboard a Video  •  Shot Listed in StudioBinder

Storyboarding videos and commercials also becomes an insanely useful tool when pitching your idea to your team or potential clients. In this video, we show you how to use storyboards (with better illustrations) to make a video.

How to Plan a Video Storyboard  •  Subscribe on YouTube

There’s no doubt about it: storyboards are useful tools for filmmakers working in pre-production. Hopefully, this article shows you that you don’t have to be an illustrator or a filmmaker experienced in pre-production to work on a storyboard. Just remember our tips for how to storyboard a video:

  1. Conceive an idea 

  2. Find a template

  3. Draw a sequence of events

It’s that simple! With these tips in mind and our resources in hand, you’ll be ready to storyboard a video.

Up Next

How to Use a Storyboard Template

The storyboard template we used is just one storyboard template – Want to see more storyboard templates (and how to use them)? Follow along as we break down a variety of storyboard templates including captions and annotations. By the end, you’ll have more storyboard templates to storyboard your video!

Up Next: Template Guide & Free Download →
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Showcase your vision with elegant shot lists and storyboards.

Create robust and customizable shot lists. Upload images to make storyboards and slideshows.

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  • Chris Heckmann is a Professor of Media & Communication at Roger Williams University and graduate of UCLA’s Cinema & Media Studies Master of Arts program. When he’s not writing or teaching, he’s probably playing video games (or thinking about the next great Boston sports trade).

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